
Welcome to November

by KELLY INGLIS, manager

  • <p>KAREN COULSTRING PHOTO</p><p>Dedicated SHAID volunteer Lise makes weekly visits with cats to Ryan Hall Nursing Home. Recently a 103-year-old resident with failing health requested a visit with an orange cat. Here is five-month-old Gary snuggled into the arms of someone needing a little extra love.</p>

SHAID Tree Animal Shelter

We are now in the last two months of 2023 and it feels like this year has flown by faster than ever; and it definitely has been one of our busiest years at our little shelter!

Another cat has joined Crumpet as our second shelter cat to find her forever home right here at SHAID. You may remember Ravenna, a 19-year-old dilute torti female with striking green eyes who definitely has a cattitude of her own. She had been returned to the shelter twice for attacking her hopeful owners in 2023, but she seems content to roam our halls and live in the office while keeping a haughty eye on the staff and volunteers.

We have taken in 403 cats and kittens to date, along with 31 dogs. We have taken 406 animals in for surgeries (mostly routine spays and neuters, but also dental surgeries and eye entropions) between Nova Veterinary Clinic, Chester Basin Animal Hospital, Oakland Veterinary Clinic, and Petite Pet Hospital this year.

Please note that SHAID still has a waiting list for cats, as all cat rescues and shelters in the province have seen unprecedented numbers of feral, stray, and abandoned cats and kittens in the last couple of years. If you have a stray cat on your property, please call us at 902-543-4849 to be placed on our waiting list. If you are moving and unable to take your pet with you, please call us as soon as possible to be placed on our waiting list.

Donations are gratefully accepted, monetary, food and supplies, as our annual medical costs alone have already surpassed $85,000 this year! Charitable receipts are issued for all monetary donations over $10, and can be made over the phone, via e-transfer to info@shaidanimalshelter.com, in person or by mail at 950 Mullock Road in Whynotts Settlement in Bridgewater, NS, B4V 5T9. Our most-needed items at the shelter are dry kitten kibble, canned cat and kitten food, Javex, wood pellets (used for litter), and office supplies such as stamps, envelopes, and copy paper.

Don't forget to pick up a SHAID 2024 Firefighters For Felines calendar! They are available for $20 and you can order them by calling us, pick one up at our shelter from Tuesday through Saturday, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., or at ShurGain Feeds 'N Needs. We want to give a huge shout out to everyone for your amazing support over the last 37 years. Thank you!

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