
The 3-3-3 rule of adopting a shelter dog

by KELLY INGLIS, manager

SHAID Tree Animal Shelter

Every dog is unique, but shelter dogs are special in that they know they were rescued from bad situations, whether that be an abusive home, experiencing the death of their beloved owner, or a family break-up and being cast aside.

We want to share this information in case it can help just one dog from being abruptly returned to a shelter or re-homed to yet another home because their humans didn't realize that rescue dogs need time to adjust to their new life.

When you bring home your new rescue dog, it takes an average three days to decompress. During this time, she may hide from you, or bark fearfully at you and your family and friends as she is meeting all kinds of new people. She may not feel like eating or drinking; she is confused and scared.

She may test boundaries and she is definitely not acting like her true self. Accidents in the house can and will happen; you'll want to take her outside and reward her when she uses the bathroom. She may vomit or have diarrhea from feeling so stressed out.

It takes an average three weeks for her to start feeling like this just might be her new forever home. She is starting to learn your routine, and starting to feel comfortable in her new home. She may act up and continue to test boundaries to learn her place. She may still have an accident here and there in the house and chew up your favorite pair of shoes.

By three months, she has created a solid bond with you. She is at ease knowing this is her home and she is feeling loved and secure. And she will spend the rest of her life thanking you for giving her this chance.

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