
SHAID to raise money for in-house surgical suite

by Kelly Inglis, manager

  • <p>Six-week-old Meatloaf poses for a picture with siblings Quiche and Egg Roll in the background.</p>

SHAID Tree Animal Shelter

Wouldn't it be nice to have an animal hospital on the South Shore to provide options and assistance for low-income families to have their pets spayed and neutered at low-to no-cost? What about an animal hospital on the South Shore with a goal to tackle the feral colonies by trapping and having the cats spayed and neutered? How about being able to spay and neuter homeless and abandoned animals on the South Shore, as soon as they were brought into the local animal shelter, instead of having to wait weeks to months for available appointments? At SHAID Tree Animal Shelter, we want to make this dream a reality. We have been looking into this idea for nearly a year and we want to make it happen.

We applied for an annual operations grant through the Municipality of the District of Lunenburg this year to kick-start a few minor renovations, and then this spring we were invited to make a presentation to the 100 Bluenosers Who Care group. This is a group of caring people who care enough about our community to want to make a big impact; they meet quarterly and invite three local charities to speak about the work they do. Of the three charities, they then vote for the one they think will have the most impact and award their personal contributions to said charity. Dr. Emily Black, SHAID's volunteer veterinarian, pitched our idea, and SHAID was chosen as the benefactor. These funds enabled us to purchase items needed for an exam room and isolation room for sick kitties to heal.

SHAID Tree Animal Shelter will be starting a campaign to raise funds for an in-house surgical suite, which will allow us to assist low-income families with spaying and neutering their beloved pets; it will allow us to ramp up our community efforts to get feral cat colonies under control. It will also allow us to spay and neuter homeless and abandoned animals relinquished into our care at a faster rate, which in turn will get more of them off the streets and adopted into loving homes.

Together, we can make this dream a reality.

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