
SHAID Tree Animal Shelter’s upcoming events

by Kelly Inglis,

  • <p>KELLY INGLIS PHOTO</p><p>Devin is a curious four-year-old Siamese/tabby mix who was recently neutered and is now available for adoption.</p>
  • <p>KELLY INGLIS PHOTO</p><p>Pictured are mama Beachcomber&#8217;s six, week-old kittens; Seal, Shark, Starfish, Coral, Urchin, and Snail. They will be available for adoption when they reach eight weeks old.</p>

SHAID Tree Animal Shelter

As you may know, non-profit organizations like our little shelter are constantly trying to raise funds to continue operations and help our community's animals in need. We want to share some of our upcoming events and we hope there is something for everyone!

One of our most popular community programs are our low-cost Microchip Clinics.

The best reason to have your pet microchipped is the improved chance you will be able to recover your pet if she is lost or stolen. It also helps animal shelters return your pet faster to you, as all incoming animals are scanned upon arrival to rule out owned, but lost, pets.

Microchipping is a quick and easy procedure; there is no annual fee and each chip is registered by a unique code that shelters and veterinary clinics can acquire the owner's contact information. Our microchipping fee is $50, and we are scheduling appointments for clinics on Oct. 15 and 29, and Nov. 5 and 19. To book an appointment, please email info@shaidanimalshelter.com">info@shaidanimalshelter.com.

We will have information booths set up at the Atlantic Pet Expo at the Halifax Forum Oct. 14 and at the Healthy Living Fair at HB Studios in Bridgewater on Nov. 4.

We will have a fun guessing game onsite at the shelter for the month of October to win a custom-made Crumpet bird house, and our much-anticipated open house will be held on Dec. 2 from 11a a.m. to 3 p.m. Everyone is welcome to attend and meet our current shelter residents, enjoy some snacks and homemade goodies, and get a tour of our facility.

Don't forget about our amazing 2024 Firefighters for Felines calendars, which are available by phone: 902-543-4849, or in person at the shelter and Shurgain Feeds N' Needs, and at many other pop-ups and events including the Expos and SHAID Tree Animal Shelter's Open House.

Calendars are $20 each, with an option of shipping for $5 extra. We'd like to extend our heartfelt thanks to volunteer photographer Caroline Hale, and members of Hebbville, Oakhill, Martin's River, Northfield, Mahone Bay, and Blockhouse volunteer fire departments for taking part in our fundraiser.

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