
More migrants return to the area

On May 19, I led a field trip for the Nova Scotia Bird Society on Cape Sable Island. The day was very cold and windy and everyone was dressed as if for winter.

In spite of the weather we ended up with 35 species. I was glad to pick up two species for my year list, which were spotted sandpiper and northern gannet.

On May 8, Kerry Jarvis of Riverport heard a northern parula.

On May 16, Darlene Kempton of Mill Village reported a Baltimore oriole and a gray catbird. Barbara McLean of Lunenburg had a male and female ruby-throated hummingbird in her yard. David Walmark of Kingsburg discovered a white-crowned sparrow.

On May 17, Catherine Clute of Chester had a rose-breasted grosbeak arrive and a ruby-throated hummingbird. A ring-necked pheasant is a regular visitor. Edith Whynot of Oakhill was excited in seeing five adult killdeer and three juveniles.

On May 18, I was birding on the Bay to Bay Trail in Mahone Bay and saw my first American redstarts and a chestnut-sided warbler for the year. Petra Muir of Baker Settlement was thrilled to have a rose-breasted grosbeak feeding alongside a regular group of evening grosbeaks. Petra also has purple finches, a northern cardinal, American goldfinches, black-capped chickadees and a hairy woodpecker.

Lynn Nowe of Mason's Beach was pleased to have an Eastern kingbird show up. Kerry Jarvis of Riverport had tree swallows gathering nesting materials on May 18. He also has been getting red crossbills at his feeder. Glenn Rhodenizer reported a pileated woodpecker at Second Peninsula and a bobolink showed up in a different field than the one where he had previously reported them.

At Westport, Brier Island on May 15, Eric Mills saw an orchard oriole. An eastern towhee was a good find for Kathleen MacAulay on May 16 at Markland Estates. Devon Jonstone found an orchard oriole at Miner's Marsh.

On May 17, a fish crow was found by Kathleen MacAulay at Cape Forchu. Ray W. had a scarlet tanager at the Musquodoboit Trailway. Eric Mills reported a small flight of broad-winged hawks on Brier Island. Richard Stern located a brown thrasher in Kentville. On May 18 another brown thrasher was located by Patric Kramer at Gabarus in Cape Breton. Broddie Badcock-Parks found a green heron at Miner's Marsh.

May 19 produced a scarlet tanager in Kingston for T. Alex Moore. On May 20 Mark Dennis reported a scarlet tanager at The Hawk on Cape Sable Island. A yellow-throated vireo was seen by David Bell at Little Narrows in Cape Breton. Bobby Blackmore discovered a painted bunting in Mooseland.

Natalie Barkhouse-Bishop saw two glossy ibises fly out of the Missaquash Marsh and cross the border into New Brunswick. A warbling vireo was seen by Jake Chute at the Hugh Fairn Ducks Unlimited Pond. Jake Walker saw a Virginia rail along the Cornwallis River. Alix d'Entremont and Kathleen MacAulay visited Bon Portage Island on May 21 and were rewarded with a Brewster's warbler.

On May 21 Sarah Foote reported a Tennessee warbler at Palmeter's Woods. Mary Kennedy saw two green herons at Miner's Marsh. May 22 produced a scarlet tanager for Owen Sullivan at Point Pleasant Park. Wayne Greene sighted a mourning warbler at the Ells Cemetery.

You may reach me at 902-693-2174 or email jrhbirder@hotmail.com.

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