
Fun at the New Ross Fair!

  • <p>The band, Top Notch, hit the stage at the New Ross Community Fair.</p>
  • <p>A bouncy castle provided hours of entertainment.</p>
  • <p>Heavily competitive chainsaw competitions were held the afternoon of Aug. 19.</p>
  • <p>Young riders take their animals through the paces during 4-H light horse show events.</p>
  • <p>Autumn Elliott (left), takes on Madison Bent in the girls&#8217; armwrestling finals.</p>
  • <p>Bingo is always a hit at the New Ross Community Fair.</p>
  • <p>Pull! The ox and horse pull venue is always a popular one at the New Ross Community Fair.</p>
  • <p>Meet Shane Elliott (left) and his family of arm wrestlers. The Brookfield family took home many medals from the community fair competition, but there are also two national champions among them. Beside Shane is Kylie, who won the 13 and under 40 kg girls&#8217; national championships in the left and right hand in July&#8217;s national championship held in Truro. Sister Autumn (second from right), won the 14-18-year-old, 60 kg title in both the left and right arms. Brother Hunter is no slouch either, winning third place at the nationals in the 14-18 age category and 60 kg weight division in both the left and right. Mother, Mareshah, finished first third in the left-arm in the ladies&#8217; 80 kg class at nationals and fifth in the right-arm. All four took home at least one gold medal. Father Shane, also competed and finished fifth in his division.</p>


New Ross - Hundreds of people flocked to the annual New Ross Community Fair held Aug. 18 and 19 at the New Ross Fairgrounds.

There was something for everyone, from horse and ox pulling, stage entertainment, garden show, games, arm-wrestling, 4-H events, tug-of-war, face painting, chainsaw and cross-cut competitions, and of course, food.

The downpour Aug. 18 didn't take away from the enthusiasm of the fair-goers.

The event is hosted each year by the New Ross Farmers' Association.

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